Craig Barlow is a Criminologist and registered qualified social worker with over 25 years’ experience in working with children and families and working with aggression, violence, sexually harmful behaviour and abuse.
His career began in 1986 as a Residential Social Worker (RSW) for children with multiple disabilities and severe emotional and behavioural problems. In 1987 he began work in a therapeutic community for adults with learning disabilities and behavioural problems. He pursued his interests in working with aggression and violence in a variety of contexts: residential care, secure hospitals and community settings. He qualified as a psychiatric Social Worker in 1992 and developed a strong reputation for safeguarding vulnerable adults, risk assessment and direct work with learning disabled and mentally disordered, sexual and violent offenders.
He established Craig Barlow Consultancy & Training in 1998, primarily providing training in working with Challenging Behaviour. He soon progressed to providing training for Police Officers and Social Workers in various aspects of safeguarding children and adults with special needs whilst continuing to develop his work with regard to assessment and intervention strategies for sexually abusive and violent behaviour.
He also developed an effective partnership with
Alec Love, a former Inspector with the Metropololitan Police and head of a Child Protection Unit in North London. Together they have developed their popular and well respected training in Achieving Best Evidence and Investigatiove Skills Training for Police and Social Workers. More recently, following the development of the Family Risk and Safety Assessment (FRaSA) Tool Craig has been joined by
Marion Farmer who has helped design and deliver the accompanying training.
The foundations of the SIPPS Model materialised after undertaking a management review of a complex case of child sexual explopitation (CSE) in South London. This brought him into contact with then D.I.Kevin Hyland, now the UKs first Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner whose ground breaking work as the Head of the Metropolitan Police Trafficking and Exploitation Unitinspired him to develop this approach. 2014 saw the satt of a close professional relationship with Caroline Haughey, a leading Barrister in the field of Human Trafficking and author of the Review of the Modern Slavery Act.
Today he provides advice, risk assessments and practitioner training relating to sexual and non-sexual violence, aggression and conflict for a number of organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors throughout the UK He has worked as Expert Advisor on criminal cases of Sexual Exploitation, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery and has regularly been an Expert Witness to the Family Courts concerning sexual and violence risk see
current and recent projects.