TEL : 07988 360291 

This comprehensive three day Programme uses the Systemic Investigation, Protection and Prosecution Strategy along the entire pathway from identification to assessment protective interventions, criminal investigation, prosecution and recovery. The SIPPS For Modern Slavery is based upon extensive research and professional experience and is a direct response to the recommendations of the Haughey Report, the Government Strategy and the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner's Strategy 2015-2017. 

To recognise Trafficking of Human Beings, and Exploitation through modern slavery and exploitation as serious and organised crime and provide a multi-disciplinary, shared approach to safeguarding victims and those at risk, pursuing and prosecuting the perpetrators and supporting recovery. 
Establish the theoretical and Professional knowledge base and legal context of the SIPPS. 
• Explain terminology and describe Trafficking, Modern Slavery, Servitude and different forms of exploitation. 
• Establish concepts of organised crime, crime networks and groups and offender characteristics in the context of trafficking of Human Beings and Modern Slavery. 
• Identify vulnerability factors, perpetrator behaviour and victim impact to develop trauma informed practice. 
• Establish a model of risk assessment and investigation. 
• Improve the quality of investigative interviews and information sharing 
• Develop effective safety plans from the point of identification, through investigation and trial and on towards recovery. 
• Develop prosecution strategies, preventative and disruptive interventions. 
The programme is supported by The SIPPS Investigators Handbook and comprehensive reading materials plus 6 months continuing access to the course Practitioners Page where excerpts from the presentation and other materials are available. 
The course combines synidicated group work and didactic presentations with detailed and complex video case studies and practical learning exercises.