To recognise Trafficking of Human Beings, and Exploitation through modern slavery and exploitation as serious and organised crime and provide a multi-disciplinary, shared approach to safeguarding victims and those at risk, pursuing and prosecuting the perpetrators and supporting recovery.
• Establish the theoretical and Professional knowledge base and legal context of the SIPPS.
• Explain terminology and describe Trafficking, Modern Slavery, Servitude and different forms of exploitation.
• Establish concepts of organised crime, crime networks and groups and offender characteristics in the context of trafficking of Human Beings and Modern Slavery.
• Identify vulnerability factors, perpetrator behaviour and victim impact to develop trauma informed practice.
• Establish a model of risk assessment and investigation.
• Improve the quality of investigative interviews and information sharing
• Develop effective safety plans from the point of identification, through investigation and trial and on towards recovery.
• Develop prosecution strategies, preventative and disruptive interventions.