Setting the initial mood of the group: It is for the trainer to make the training classroom welcoming and set the tone for the forthcoming event.
Creating an effective climate for learning. Manage the physical environment as best you can to ensure the groups physical comfort. Constantly monitor the group for signs of disengagement or fatigue and be prepared to deal with difficult or disruptive members.
Motivate students to participate in the learning process
Be accepting of comments, avoid getting defensive.
Offer yourself as a resource - invite people to follow up discussions with you after the training e.g. in the discussion forums in Moodle or via e-mail, if you have further reading or suggestions to assist a person or group offer to provide this upon request.
Allow for limited debate and/or challenges of the ideas presented.
Discuss how the learning can be applied in real world applications.
Make yourself available at the beginning of breaks and after class to field individual student questions
Always treat the learners with respect
Avoid stereotypes.